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Commercial Director, Manager, Senior Broker, Project Manager Mrine, Claims, Disputes


I would like to share my over three decades of professional experience to make organization as most prefered one in the world.


I started my career at the tender age of 18 years, as water clerk in UK, I have learnt it hard way and come up in life. I have worked with reputed ship-owners, ship-operators, ship-brokers, and since early 80's I have been self employed as consultant. In the mid 80's when Alang, west coast of India established as one of the largest ship-breaking yard in the world entered in to joint venture with Uk based investors for cash buying of demolition vessels and re-selling them in to Alang. As my joint venture partners were non shipping people the complete operation was handle by myself, we bought vessels basis as is where is and place our own crew to bring them to Alang for delivery at breaking yard. At the same time we built the up fleet of five multi purpose tween deckers of 15/18,000 dwt vessel and traded them in spot market even though recession prevailing we managed to keep our vessel employed. In the year 2000 we disolved our joint venture partner ship and sold the trading vessels for demolition. We were the cash buyers for USS BENINGTON American aircraft carier which was demolitished at Alang. After disolving our joint venture I have been working as consultant, brokers independently on my own. While I was involved in this joint venture, I had four oil tankers under my management owned by UAE based owners. I do specialize in tanker chartering and operations. In view of prevailing situations I am now looking for suitable senior opening position with ship-owners, or ship-operators or ship-brokers or international commodity traders. My exposure in shipping industry is vast and I have first had practical experience. I have managed to get vessel's out with nil out-turn reports ( No claims) from West African ports. With my past experience as an Arbitrator I have devised a working strategy for African Ports or ports where such problems are very common. I specialize in drafting suitable charter party riders to suit the trade. If I continue here writing down my experiences I may end finishing the book and here space is not sufficient. Lastly I look forward to a suitable opening around the world. I can relocate myself anywhere in the world.


I have completed my high school Secondry School Ceritificate (SSC)in Mumbai, India in 1972, I left India for UK to continue my higher education in London, UK where I joined Harrow Polytechnic for BBA. While learning i was also earning with local Shipping Agency where I picked up this field and decided to make my career in shipping undustry. I have completed Associate ship from Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers, Diploma in marine insurance from Norway.


As mentioned above.


In these past years have learned and develop great skills for effective ship-management, setting up ship-owning company from the start, and its daily operations in most effective manner and most cost effective. In all my working years I have always involved myself directly in each and every operations and handling of the ships, cargo operations, dealing with under writers, with various authorities world wide, knowledge of up dated rule/regulations, drafting of charter party rider clauses in accordance with trade, and any legal agreement which may be required for effective execution of business.


In case any references required can be provided.

Mumbai, Maharshtra,
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