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Chief engineer, Master of Business Administration MBA


A directors (level) position at a maritime service provider, renowned, high quality, strong focus on Growth, at least 100 FTE, international operating


Career History:

01-10-2006 till date

Svitzer Salvage BV (former Wijsmuller), an A.P. Mœller Maersk company.

Svitzer is one of the world’s leading emergency response and salvage services provider at sea with a track record that goes back more then 100 years in history. The Head Office is based in IJmuiden, the Netherlands. Regional offices in Cape Town, Singapore, Copenhagen, Piraeus and Rio de Janeiro.

01-09-2008 till date: Director Prevention & Preparedness with world wide coverage

Responsible for

• Global introduction, marketing & sales and operations of new services (Preparact™) related to prevention and preparedness in the maritime industry.

• Commercial management of all Emergency Towing Vessels in the Netherlands, South Africa, Australia, Egypt and India.

• Managing Director of the Svitzer Salvage Academy.

• Liaison officer for Maritime Authorities.

• Budget € 30 mil.


• Preparact™ -contracts signed with Brazilian oil major, Italian- and American ship owner.

• New Preparact™-contracts pending in NL, Germany, Denmark, Qatar and Cyprus ( Oil major and Ship owners) .

• Signed renewal contract for ETV de Waker with the Dutch Coast Guard.

• Successful start of the Svitzer Salvage Academy. Portfolio: emergency response- and

salvage related courses. Expanding in Greece, Germany, USA, Singapore and Benelux.

01-10-2006 till 01-09-2008: Senior Manager, New Business Development(NBD) with worldwide coverage

Responsible for global, innovation-based growth through:

• Management of the NBD-department, structure and processes.

• Strategy development, business plans and budgets.

• Acquisitions(M&A), alliances and organic growth.

• Identify new opportunities.

• Feasibility studies of new opportunities.

• Marketing Management of approved NB-plans.

• Establishment of external networks, including commercial platforms in the regions.

• Management representative.


• Establishment of the NBD department.

• Strategic plan for growth (competence management) approved and start implementing.

• Establishment of the Svitzer Salvage Academy.

• Development and introduction to market of new service, Preparact™.

• Establishment of alliances/strategic partnerships.

January 1986 till 30-09-2006

Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Norwegian based multi-national.

DNV is an independent, autonomous organisation working to safeguard life, property and environment. DNV comprises 300 offices in 100 countries, with 6000 employees.

DNV is one of the world’s leading certification- and classification societies providing these services and related services to a wide range of sectors of industry.

1-1-2006 till 30-09-2006: Area Manager Europe & Americas DNV SeaSkill

Responsible for:

• Management of:

- examination and certification of personnel.

- auditing and certification of maritime training institutes.

- certification of training courses and – programmes.

- auditing and certification of competence based management systems at ship owners and ship management companies.

• Development of expertise in the DNV regions and stations.

• Marketing management of all DNV SeaSkill services to ship-owners, rig owners/-operators, crewing agencies, Underwriters, Authorities, Unions and other Stakeholders.

• Establishment of production systems ( examination, auditing and certification) in the regions.

• Establishment of commercial platforms in the regions;. Acquire accreditation (STCW, ISPS, Marpol,…) from Maritime Authorities.

• Development of services as member of the corporate Management Team.

• Strategy development, business plans and budgets.

• Managing 3 staff managers and 2 regional managers.

• Budget € 10 mil.


• Establishment of production systems on the East Coast USA

• Establishment of production systems in the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, India, Philippines, Norway, USA and Ukraine.

• Acquired accreditation from LISCR, Bahamas Maritime Authority, USCG, Panama Maritime Authority and Marshall Islands.

• Development and market introduction of several competence standards.

• Development of the M&S-competences in the USA, Panama, Benelux and Greece

• Signed contracts with training institutes and ship owners.

1-8-2003 till 1-1-2006: Global General Manager ‘Personnel Certification’ DNV SeaSkill

Responsible for:

• Development and worldwide introduction of personnel competence assessment and -certification services in the global maritime industry.

• Identification and positioning of national/local markets and partners/take-overs for growth.

• Establishment of industrial platforms in national/local markets for acceptation of services by all Stakeholders.

• Formalisation and implementation of strategy and operations internally.

• Managing 3 staff managers and 8 regional/country managers, reporting to corporate management.

• Budget € 8 mil.


• Establishment of global networks involving leading organisations in maritime industry.

• Successful introduction of services to international operating ship-owners, rig owners/-operators, crewing agencies, Underwriters, Authorities, Unions and other Stakeholders worldwide.

• Establishment of industrial platforms in the Benelux, Scandinavia, USA, South/Central America, UK, India, Mediterranean area and the Philippines.

• Establishment of operational- and sales partnerships(outsourcing and subcontracting) with organisations in the Benelux, UK, USA, India, France, Congo, Mediterranean, Ukraine and The Philippines.

• Development of several competence standards and operational facilities.

1-8-1995 till 1-8-2003: General Manager “Personnel Certification”DNV Europe

Responsible for:

• Development of personnel certification, marketing management, start up management and operations management in land-based industries in Europe.

• Targeted sectors of industry: (petro)chemical, offshore, financial, ICT/Project management, education, legislation, real estate, energy generation and distribution, steel/electro, construction and rail infra.

• Managing 3 staff managers, 1 regional manager and 1 operational manager, reporting to regional management (Europe).

• Budget € 30 mil.


• Establishment of networks with leading organisations in the targeted markets.

• Successful introduction of services in these markets.

• Establishment of several industrial platforms in Europe;

• Implementation of partnerships(outsourcing and subcontracting) with more then 25 organisations for production and sales.

• Development of many competence standards.

• From ‘scratch’ to 600,000 assessments & certificates issued.

• Established market leader position.

1999 till 2001: Manager ”Business Development “ DNV Benelux

Responsible for:

• Repositioning and restructuring of the DNV Certification Benelux organisation.

• Definition and implementation of the required commercial ability and competences of the management team.

• Investigation of opportunities for partnerships and acquisitions.

• Establishment of a political network in The Hague and Bruxelles (EMSA and EC-DGTren.

• Reporting to regional management (Europe).


• Restructuring of the Benelux management.

• Introduction of the principles of Value Based Management(Copeland).

• Development and introduction of competence management.

• Establishment of a political network in The Hague and a liaison in Bruxelles.

1-1-1990 till 1-8-1995: Manager “Product Certification” DNV West-Europe

Responsible for:

• Operations management of existing services and products.

• Development and introduction of new services and products.

• Markets & Target groups: shipping & offshore sector, manufacturing industry, theme parks and sustainable energy industries.

• Managing staff and 4 unit managers, reporting to regional management (Europe).

• Budget € 30 mil.


• Successful development and introduction of certification services for industrial wind turbines. DNV is now worldwide market leader.

• Turn around of portfolio; from deficit to profits.

• Successful development and introduction of product certification services according to the European directives and related legislation of the EU-member states.

• Integration of services and personnel of an acquired firm.

• Successful introduction of a new business concepts in the maritime manufacturing industry.

• Successful development and introduction of certification of theme park attractions/- rides.

31-1-1986 till 31-12-1989: DNV Auditor of business processes and surveyor.

Through inspection of products auditing management systems and manufacturing processes I gained tremendous insight in the quality management of the manufacturing- and service industry. Focus on the ship building industry and ship equipment manufacturers such as engines, propellers, heat exchangers, etc.

Detailed activities: design approvals, Type approvals, inspection and testing, certification of ship equipment and ship structures, statutory surveys on behalf of Flag States.

1-10-1984 till 31-3-1985: Mechanical engineer Hoogovens, IJmuiden

Project manager for the overhaul of the furnaces in one of the Hoogovens(Corus) factories.

1-10-1977 till 31-7-1983 intermittent: Marine engineer officer with Shell Tankers and with van Nievelt Goudriaan, Rotterdam

Responsible for the operations and maintenance of the propulsion- and auxiliary equipment on board ships.(Product tankers and multi-purpose ships)


November 2006- date

Training as part of the Maersk Management Development Programme

Title: Director

December 1998-December 2000

Webster University, St. Louis, USA/Leiden, NL.

Master of Business Administration

Title: MBA

Thesis: 1. Value Based Management

2. Assessment of the commercial ability of an organization


DNV Management Development Program in cooperation with the Norwegian School of Management

Title: Principle

August 1979-August 1984

Maritime Academy (Hogere Zeevaartschool), Amsterdam, NL

Marine engineering

Title: Ing and BSc.

Thesis: Corrosion protection of sea going vessels.

August 1973-August 1977

Technical college, Hengelo, NL

Mechanical engineering (Diploma MTS)



Personal traits:

Proven business acumen through:

• Being an effective net worker: social assertive, cooperative, open and imaginative, informative, enthusiastic;

• Being an entrepreneur: customer focussed, translate customer problems into business opportunities, result oriented, self starting, non-conformist, wilful;

• Being pragmatic: building business and organisation from concepts to operations, hands on, through organic growth and partnering/acquisitions;

• Being cross-cultural sensitive: I have been working in international maritime environments since I was 21 and I come from a multi-cultural family. Succesful in conducting business in different cultures. Team builder.


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