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Chief engineer, engineering manager


I am a Chief Engineer who has a great enthusiasm and vast knowledge of various scientific/technical areas

such as mechanical design engineering, physics, and materials science.


- I work as a Chief Engineer at Tube Lines Mechanical Services, 1/8/2005- Present, My task is to manage a team of mechanical engineers and test inspectors as well as managing a drawings office which contents 45000 engineering drawings. The work of the office vary from designing new mechanical components to modifying existing components in assets like escalators, lifts, rail way tracks, signals, and various other parts and assemblies used in underground stations and tube. My duty also involves managing projects by conducting planning, costing, arranging assets inspections, checking designs to standards, writing specifications as well as testing, then reporting to directors. One other task is to issue many studies, specifications and standards to determine, evaluate and establish the assets conditions in regard to whether they can be safely assured for passengers use. I have invented, designed and built products like the smart step, the hydraulic tensioning carriage and the smart test rig.

- Senior Mechanical Design Engineer at Hydronix Ltd, 1/1/2002- 1/8/2005. My task was to manage projects (costs, plans, schedules, and prototype building, evaluation and tests) to manufacture microwave moisture measurement sensors from prototype to production. Range of highly specialised products were developed for applications like; concrete, ceramics, animal’s feeds, and wastes industries. The products required high technical experiences in physics (microwaves), mechanics, and materials science to be built. Various designs of microwave resonators were invented/patented and fabricated to suit various products and applications. Microwave design (HF Works & Sonnet), FEA and CAD (SOLIDWORKS) softwares were used in designing and developing the products .industries.

- Senior Mechanical Design Engineer at KeyMed Ltd (Olympus Group), 1/1/2000-1/1/2002.

The role was to manage projects to build medical products from concept (prototype) to production. Daily duties involved projects management, which incorporated minutes of meetings, projects costs and plans, and tests of products to compliance with medical standards. Communicating with customers, agencies and test houses were parts of the job. The medical products differed from high to low volume products; flushing/ suction pumps, endoscopes, sterilization trays, trolleys, to endosonic and ultrasonic cleaners. FEA, and CAD (Solid Works) softwares were used in the design process to establish the strength and mechanical quality of the products.

- Mechanical Design Engineer at ABB Instruments (ABB Group), 1/1/1999-1/1/2000. The work included developing/maintaining products in the development and manufacturing stages. Volume and mass meters were designed and manufactured. The work needed skills like; assessing costs, handling of materials, projects planning. I worked on various softwares, and computer packages (such as; Mathcad Auto-cad 12 or 13 or SolidWorks 98. ANSYS 5.1 or STARDYNE and FEMAP software).

- Materials Scientist and Flux and Paste Process Developer at Alpha Fry Ltd (Cookson

Group), 1/12/1997-1/1/1999. The work involved solving different microstructural problems. It also included joining metal to metal, and metal to ceramic. I worked on designing and constructing plants such as fused salt plant, and bismuth oxide plant. New composite materials (metal+ceramic) were investigated and fabricated. It involved scaling up the production from the experimental scale to the production scale. Development schedules for mixing fluxes and solider pastes was another area that I have worked on. It also involved the scaling up process for mass production as well as modelling the process schedules mathematically. Total costing was required for each project. Communication with customers was part of the job.

- Post-Doctoral at Oxford University, (A Research on joining Composite Materials such as Tungsten Carbide), 1/10- 1/12/1997.

- Post-Doctoral and Part time Lecturer at Brunel University, (Research on Fabrication an Oxide Fuel Cell, also I taught the subject Mechanical Design to first year students) , 1996-1997.

- Post-Doctoral at Manchester Materials Science Centre, UMIST, (Research on the Mechanisms of Fracture in Duplex Steel), 1995-1996.

- Demonstrator at Manchester Materials Science Centre, (Mechanical Tests Lab.), 1992-1995

- Demonstrator at Sheffield University, (Heat Treatment Lab.), 1990-1992.

- Research Assistance at Baghdad University, (designing pressure vessels, flanges, pipes, mechanical structures, towers, hydraulic jigs ..etc), 1987-1990.

- Mechanic at The Hard Tools Ltd, 3-9/1986.

- Painter at the East Painting Ltd, 3-9/1985.


City & Guilds in Information Technology (Programming), 2002,

South East Essex College of Art & Technology, UK.

Ph.D. in Materials Science, 1992-1996,

Materials Science Centre, UMIST, Manchester, UK.

M.Phil. in Materials Science, 1990-1992,

University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.

B.Sc. in Physics, 1986-1988,

Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq.

B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, 1983-1986.

Technology University, Baghdad, Iraq.


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Knowledge of variety of computing packages including Solidworks, ProEngineer, TurboCad, Solid Edge, Sonnet, Word Perfect, , Microsoft Project, World Star, Harvardgraphic, Excel, Mathcad. Programming on BASIC, FORTRAN, Pascal, Visual Basic and C++ languages. Using various finite element software Montecarlo, ANSYS, COSMOS & COSMOS DESIGN STAR, COSMOSWORKS, FEMAP, Sonnet and STARDYNE. The experience of designing various mechanical components from plastics, ceramics and metals. I have the knowledge of different prototypes/production techniques (such as injection moulding, investment casting ¼etc) to satisfy the needs of the design and final product. The ability to work on test machines such as tensile, fatigue, compression, Chary impact, and creep. I worked on SEM, EDX, TEM, XPS. Very familiar in using image analyser systems. Worked on melting and casting varies alloys. Worked on non-destructive test equipment such as X-ray and ultra sonic equipment. I have the experience in coating (tinning) radiators, and tubes by using fluxes. Knowing different fluxes for different applications. Dealt with welding and brazing of aluminium by using different fluxes. Joining aluminium by using an ultrasonic method. Brazed and welded different materials by using laser or electron beam. The experience of using different mixers for mixing powders of metals or ceramics. Worked on the physical generation, interaction, measurement of microwaves, and combining their behaviour with the mechanical and characteristics of materials. Designing microwave resonators for products that are used in various industrial applications. Density independent technique was implemented on a microwave technique to increase the yield of the product. The propagation pattern of microwaves was studied in different applications to come up with new concepts for new products.


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