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Captain Unlimited /Warranty Survey/ DP Auditor Liberian and British Licences


Post as a Marine Survey, Auditor, Marine Superintendent, Master, Client Rep of a DP vessels Marine Consultancy Role


I have spent the past twenty five years in offshore Drilling industry/Construction industry either shore based or offshore worked with Shell Qatar MOQ Qatar Exxon BP and Total. currently Marine/HSe Supervisor for Shell Qatar


09.2007 - ---> Shipping and Port Management, Southampton

01.1982 - 09.1982 Masters Certificate, South Tyneside College

03.1982 - 08.1982 1st Mates Certificate, Hull College of higher education

11.1976 - 06.1977 Master Coastal/2nd Mate F.G., Humberside college of higher education

09.1963 - 09.1968 Pre Sea School, Hull Trinity House Navigation School


British Master 3000t unlimied

British Unlimited Chief Office

Liberian Unlimited Masters


• Manning schedules and Vacation for 120 employees

• Stability Calculation Maintain vessel stability

• Helicopter and Boat Movements person in charge

• External audits by all authorities, Classification Society Annual and Renewal

• Maintaining operational records and Ship Certification

• Compliance with local, international laws regulations Flag State Regulations

• Directly Represents in Charge of Operational Management of the Unit

• Producing Annual Safety Audits and Recommendations

• Environmental Improvements. Monitoring and suggesting improvement

HSE Inititives and Campaigns


Project 2001 Erika Oil Recovery, Coflexip Stolt Joint Venture Positin Marine Offshore Consultant

During 2000 Jan to September I was the Marine Offshore Rep In July 2000, after four weeks of operations, main pumping of the Erika wreckage had enabled recovery of 90% of the cargo lying at a depth of 120 meters. An additional five weeks were then necessary to recover the remaining 10%, which was divided between the two sections of the wrecked tanker, through the use of finish-pumping techniques. The total amount of fuel oil pumped out was 11,245 metric tons.

No Accidents No Spills

Cap Coral, FL,
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