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I would like to work as Captain in the cruise line industry again.


I started as a deckhand in march of 1982 for Delta Queen Steamboat Co. I then became a license mate in March of 1987 an served as second mate onboard the Mississippi Queen and Delta Queen untill April of 1995, where I was then promoted to First Mate. I served as first mate untill November of 2006. I was then promoted to Captain untill November of 2008.


Vicksburg High School Ms gradurated May of 1981

Crisis Mangement, Pacific Maritime Institute August 2007

Certiffied Company Security and Vessel Security Officer March of 2003.


Basic and Advanced Shipboard Firefighting December of 1986

Unlimted Radar Observer-Inland August 2006

Certififed instructor in CSO,VSO,PFSO AND MSLEP SECURITY.

Anti-Piracy certified and instructor


Execlent boat handling skills.

Ececlent skills in intergrateing with passengers and crew.

Extensive knoledge of Code of Fredeal Regulations

Extensive knowledge of SOLAS and ISPS codes.

Manged budgets and supervised budgets for both Navigation and Engineering.


Vicksburg, MS,
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