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Captain / Mate


I am looking for work in the offshore oil & gas industry. Initially I would like to sail as Mate on an OSV or similar vessel, with advancement possibilities if and when appropriate. I am also looking to gain DP certification when time and finances allow


10/09 - 4/10 Fishing Company of Alaska

Mate aboard F/V Alaska Juris, a 240ft factory trawler with a crew of 50. My duties were basically the same as on board the Seafreeze Alaska (below)

8/07 – 5/09 United States Seafoods

Mate aboard the F/V Seafreeze Alaska, a 297ft factory trawler with a crew of 80. The Seafreeze tows a large trawl net behind the ship; this net rides on the seabed and targets bottom dwelling fish species.

During this period I spent about 8 months at sea, operating the ship for 12 hours per night (opposite the captain’s shift). Areas of operation included the far western Aleutian Islands and the Bering Sea.

My duties aboard the Seafreeze included crew management, medical treatment and managing of medical supplies, ships business/accounting, navigation, and of course…finding and catching enough fish to keep the processing lines in business.

This could be very challenging at times, as the Aleutian Islands are known for extreme weather and large seas, and the Seafreeze Alaska is a very hungry ship. Many times we filled the hold in a week's time, with 650-700 tons of frozen processed fish.

1/05 – 6/07 Baranoff and Courageous LLC

Mate aboard the F/V Courageous, a 180ft freezer longliner fishing in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands. I operated the vessel at night for 12 hours opposite the captain’s shift. We fished primarily for Pacific Cod, on both Open Access and CDQ quotas. We also fished some IFQ blackcod in the spring and fall. We spent a lot of time out west in the Aleutians.

9/02 – 10/04 Blue North Fisheries

Mate aboard F/V Blue Pacific, a 180 ft freezer longliner fishing in the Bering Sea. Same basic duties as on Courageous, although fishing areas were different. On Blue Pacific we fished for Pacific cod, in the Bering Sea mostly west of the Pribliof Islands.

8/01- 9/02 Northern Aurora Fisheries

Captain aboard F/V Northern Aurora, a 155ft longliner fishing for pacific cod in the Bering Sea. Restored vessel to productivity after previous captain and crew ran it down. Supervised extensive engine, drive system and fishing gear system repairs.

2/00 - 6/01 Various

Throughout this time period I worked as Mate and Captain on various longline boats, including the Clipper Express, Western Queen & Bristol Leader, as well as working down in the Gulf of Mexico as captain on a commercial dive boat, the Pipeline Surveyor.

1995 - 1999 American Seafoods Company

American Advisor aboard Claymore Sea (250ft) and Solidarnost (350 ft)

Russian trawlers fishing primarily for pollock off the Siberian coast, Sea of Ohkotsk and the Kommodorski Islands. Responsible for trawl deck operations, maintenance and repair of all trawl nets, related fishing gear and deck equipment, as well as training and management of deck crew.

1985 to 1995 Various

I began fishing in 1985, and I began trawling in 1988. I got my original Mate license in 1990 and first sailed as Mate in 1992, on a 236 ft trawler & former OSV, Pacific Scout.


1977-1981 Capitol High School, Olympia, WA

1981-1982 US Navy: basic electronics school, marine electrician’s mate school, naval nuclear power school (academic portion)

1983-1984 Central Washington University

1990 Crawford Nautical School –license prep 2000 ton Mate Fishing Vessels, 100/200 insp.

1994 Crawford Nautical School –license prep 3000 ton Master Fishing Vessels, 200/1600 insp

1998 24 hour HAZWOPPER (hazardous waste) training

1998 GMDSS – global marine distress system training

2003 STCW Basic Safety Training

2003 Bridge Resource management

2010 GMDSS Operator

2010-2011 Crawford Nautical School –license prep 1600 GT / 3000 ITC Master - Oceans


Master 1600 GT / 3000 ITC - Oceans

Master 3000 GT- Fishing Vessels, Oceans

AB Unlimited, Lifeboatman (survival craft)

GMDSS Operator, STCW 95


I've been around mechanical things my entire life. I repair and maintain my own cars, trucks, boat & motorcycles and I am currently building an airplane. I understand engines, transmissions, generators, etc, and have spent considerable time in the engine rooms of various boats over the years. I have some experience with carpentry, electrical work (both AC & DC) and composite construction.

I am fairly familiar with most of the marine electronics, computer navigation and communication systems typically found on ships in my part of the world. Fishing boats, especially big trawlers, tend to be loaded with electronics; way more so than your average workboat. I have good troubleshooting skills, and it seems I'm usually the guy that keeps this stuff going. (Sometimes we're hundreds of miles from shore-side tech support)

I have an aptitude for operating equipment, and usually become proficient on new equipment in a short time with a little practice. I can operate any type of crane or cargo handling gear I have encountered so far. I have a knack for driving things, and after I get acquainted with a boat my ship handling skills are very good. I have excellent navigation skills, necessitated by the need for precision when dragging an expensive trawl net thru the rocks in the Aleutians.


Since the spring of 2010, I have spent a lot of time at home with the family. I used this time to return to school and upgrade my captain's license so I could do something other than fish in the Bering Sea. Any jobs I've taken since then have been short term Mate jobs on various vessels doing various things (these "burger-flippin" jobs are not listed on my resume). Now it's time for me to find steady work - something substantial can do for the next 20 years.

I am ready to work immediately, and I have a current passport if the need arises. I am in excellent physical health, and can pass any type of physical or drug test. I have a clean criminal record, a clean driving record, and good credit. If you feel you may be able to use someone with my experience and abilities, I would certainly appreciate your consideration.

Olympia, WA,
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