I would like to secure a job as a deck hand/ able bodied seaman
I was in the US Navy for 4 years, i am qualified in the following areas: BRIDGE WATCH, HELMSMAN, UNDERWAY REPLENISHMENT, RHIB COXSWAIN, and was in charge of my division's 3M department, where i was in charge of millions of dollars of equipment, with a 98% positive rating during inspections, where i earned 2 letters of commendation from captain Personius, and 1 letter of commendation from a Brigadier General. plus passing all major shipwide 3M inspections, while qualifying my entire division in 3M Maintenance
Bemidji Highschool- diploma
Seaman "A" school
Coxswain/ Line Handler/ Man-lift/Scissor Lift/ underway replenishment line handler/ Line Captain/
amphibious operations: Wing-wall safety officer/ wing-wall captain
Anchoring: Petty officer in charge of Anchoring operations.
Petty officer of the watch/ Boatswains mate of the watch/ ships helmsman/ lookout
weapons: M-16/ M-14/Beretta 9mm/ M-60/ shotgun/
Rhib boat coxswain/ motor whale boat coxswain/