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Boat Captain


To be able to work and impart my nine (9) year experience/ knowledge in the navy boat/ship and two (2) year experience in commercial boat


• In-charge of all personnel and equipment in the boat/ship

• Responsible at all times for the safety and well being of the boat/ship and its crew

• Mann and operates motorize rubber boat, speed boat, yacht, eighty four (84) footer patrol gunboat, patrol craft escort, water tender, landing craft vessel, tug boat, and motor launch

• Maintains navigation equipment and applies rules of the road to avoid collision

• Checks and operates all navigation equipment ( gps, radar, loran, sonar or echo-sounder) including the compass, weather fax, VHF radio and all instruments, pilot books and other publications such as list of lights or nautical almanac, and the ship's log book

• Checks ballast indicator and make appropriate trimming or ballast-in or out

• Checks electric light circuits, ensuring that all navigation lights are properly functioning

• Coordinates with chief engineer to ensure the checking of engines, battery or air starting, fuel, oil, water, maintenance and tools

• Instructs and supervises crew in all aspect of the general service and drills (fire in port and at sea, collision in port and at sea, man overboard, and search and rescue)

• Responsible for the boat’s appearance, safety and efficient operation

• Responsible for the appearance and behavior of the crew

• Performs the duties of an officer of the day and watch

• Keeps continually informed of the unit’s position, mooring lines or ground tackle in use, tide and weather information, the status of the engineering plant, the status of the boat/ship, and all other matters affecting the safety and security of the unit; and take appropriate action to prevent grounding, collision, dragging, or other danger in accordance with the navigation rules of the road

• Ensures that the fuel tank and water tank are full, and that a spare gas cylinder is carried and emergency water cans are filled


Bachelor of Science in industrial Technology


Survival At Sea, Basic Seaman Course ( seamanship, firefigthing, damage control) Naval Officer Course(piloting 1 & 2, navigation, naval operation, firefigthing, damage control, meteorology)/ Qualified Ships Handler and Navigator/ Proficiency in swimming


Certified Boat Captain/ Minor Patron/ Major Patron/ Navigator/ Ship Security Officer/ Computer Literate/ Professional Driver


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