Work hard and die easy.
Captain, mate and engineer positions on:
tour, tow, casino and taxi boats.
Service manager for a boat dealer.
Marine center specialist for boat/us-west marine.
Marine surveyor.
Installation(rigging), minor repairs and line splicing for over 150 recreational boaters and companies.
College of dupage, automotive tech program. Also educated in electronics, computers, photography and wildlife conservation.
Career diplomas. To many to list.
Besides most everything in the boating industry, I have also had experience in the tourist industries.
I enjoy seeing people have a good time. Sightseeing and taxi boat are the best. I like to work hard and enjoy my free time. Most captains will board a ship and give jobs to the deckhand. I like to board a vessel early and start working. When the deckhands show up and see me cleaning the vessel it makes them feel that their position is important. The crew has more respect for the captain and the company. I like team players. If the management and crew have issues, lets hear the issues as a team and maybe we can build a stronger company that puts ideas into action and insures passagers safety and comfort. Above all team player and safety first.