To obtain a responsible and challenging position offering opportunities to grow and advance my experience as a marine engineer.
Machine Shop Technician - Currently responsible for the rebuilding, refurbishment, repair, and maintenance of the equipment in the Texas A & M University at Galveston Engineering Lab. This includes the rebuilding and refurbishment of large, mass flow-rate valves, pumps, diesel engines, steam motors, steam reciprocating engines, and steam turbines, etc. Additionally, this includes the repair and maintenance of metal lathes, metal fabricating machines, drill presses, cutting torches, welding machines, other metal cutting instruments, and various pieces of lab equipment which test the strength of many materials, etc.
Lab Technician / Assistant - Currently responsible for the daily maintenance, upgrades, and updates for 25 computers in the Texas A & M University at Galveston Marine Engineering Department. This includes assisting students with the operation of various Marine Engineering computer software programs including PUMPBASE, COSMOS Design Star, Pro Engineer, Hydroflo, and Microsoft Project, Microsoft Office, etc.
Lab Experience - This includes determining, and then fine tuning, the energy flow of electricity to conduction of steam through the Rankin Cycle System; analyzing the heat dispersion properties of fins made of various materials in order to obtain the greatest efficiency of heat conduction to air; conducting in-depth analyses of tube and shell flow and counter-flow heat exchangers to obtain practical knowledge; and analyses of the different pressures and vacuums of a Venturi, etc. in the Marine Engineering Department’s Fluids Lab. Additionally, this includes in-depth analyses of two-stage electrical transformers to determine efficiency; studying the conversion of electrical power to heat through dispersion of a resistor in water to determine average heat conduction; determining the range of efficiency of a 100 horsepower engine given different loads; etc. in the Marine Engineering Department’s Electrical Lab.
Texas A & M University Degree in Marine Engineering,
May 2007
Please see Work Experience.
Manager of 75% of all design projects in which I was involved at Texas A & M University. Eagle Scout. Organized and led 100 scouts to National Jamboree. Organized and oversaw a city-wide blood drive to benefit the University of Texas Medical Branch blood bank, etc.