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Assistant Navigator (Submarines)


I would like to use my Navigations skills on a ship or build and training personel in the art of navigation.


2011-Present Instructor of Voyage Management System (VMS) and Advance Navigation, Naval Submarine School

•Supervised and mentored 13 sailors. Contributed to 3 sailors advancing to a higher pay grade

•Developed and trained 7 instructors to teach submarine navigation and maintenance

•Trained 17 submarine crews on electronic navigation operations in piloting, open ocean navigation and overseas deployment training

2010-2011 Leading Chief Petty Officer at Electronics “A” School, Naval Submarine School

•Revised the ET “A” school course to train first accession students

.Improved and enhanced program to incorporate current electronic navigation AIM IIv5.0

•Supervised and mentored 9 instructors and 300+ first accession students

2009-2010 Navigation System Matter Expert (SME) at Submarine Learning Center, Groton, CT

•Managed 50+ Navigation and Navigation Maintenance courses throughout the entire Submarine force

•Dedicated 400+ hours as lead SME to assist with the development of a computer based Radar maintenance simulator with government contractor.

•Revised and assisted with the new certification of the VMS course from VMS 8.1 to VMS 8.3 (using AIM IIv4.0) saving the Navy $200,000.

•Revised Advance Navigation Theory and Advance Navigation Practical for the entire submarine fleet using AIM IIv5.0 saving the Navy $400,000.

•Recognized as a top expert in the field of Navigation and training throughout the Submarine Fleet when selected to the Submarine Learning Center position.

1999-2009 Served as Assistant Navigator on three submarines East and West coast.

•Responsible for the safe navigation of the warship. Senior Navigation/Operations Chief Petty Officer.

I was one of two navigation supervisors on the warship that was directly responsible to the ship's commanding officer in all matters regarding navigation and safety of the ship.

•Prior to 2008, maintained over 4000 navigational paper charts being prepared for any deployment.

•2008 Trained officers and division in skills using VMS, which allowed the ship to be one of the first ten to navigate without the conventional paper charts.

•Prepared USS PASADENA (SSN 752) in 2 days after Sept, 11 attacked to deploy for six months

•Maintained a navigation plot without the assistant of GPS, relying on Ring Laser Gyro and Hand Dead reckoning (DR).


•Currently enrolled on University of Phoenix online to complete BA in Science

•NEC 14XM Trident Submarine Strategic Navigation System

•NEC 9502 Navy Instructor

•NEC 9508 Recruit Division Commander

•Leader Development Program

•Master Training Specialist


•BPS-15H/16 Radar, VMS 7.4, 8.1 8.3 and 8.3.4, Military GPS, Ring Laser Gyro, Ring Laser Gyro Navigator, Control Display Unit, Electrically Suspended Gyro Navigator D-5, Navigation Sonar System, Radar, Interior Communications Systems, Digital Depth Detector, Central Atmosphere Monitoring System, Electromagnetic Log, Digital Electromagnetic Log, Omega, Navigation Satellite Receiver, Identification Friend or Foe Transponder System, Submarine Satellite Information Exchange Subsystem

•Active U.S. government Top Secret/SCI security clearance


•22 years of Military Experience with 9 deployments worldwide.

•Master Trainer Specialist

•Proficient in curriculum development and document management using the AIM I and AIM II v4.0 and v5.0 programs developed in accordance with NAVETRA 131(PPP Table) and 130 (Tasked Based) curriculum development standards.

•Instructor and Piloting Trainer qualified

•Qualified as a Submarine Assistant Navigator


Groton, CT,
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