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Assistant Navigator, Electronics Maintenance Technician


Transfere my 20 years experience in the NAVY to a civilian job


Assistant Navigator - 2004 to 2006

USS MIAMI SSN 755, Groton CT

Supervised navigation teams in piloting and submerged operations in restricted and open ocean navigation. Conducted nautical computations and advised the Commanding Officer, Navigator and Officer of the Deck. Prepared and maintained navigational logs and records and utilized electronic and celestial navigation techniques.

Improved the administration of chart preparation, voyage planning checklists and routing procedures. Coordinated hundreds of man-hours converting a neglected chart maintenance and navigational publication system into a useable electronic format to take full advantage of the latest electronic navigational information.

Electronics Maintenance Technician / Navigation Supervisor / Assistant Navigator - 2003 to 2004


Provided timely and accurate planning and recommendations to the Commanding Officer, Navigator and Officer of the Deck

Cited as being crucial to the commands success during a six-month CENTCOM deployment and Tactical Readiness Evaluation. Stepped into the Assistant Navigator position, expertly prepared and executed several tactical exercises including operations in the Gulf of Mexico and Boston Operating Areas

Instructor - 2000 to 2003

Naval Submarine School, Groton, CT

Instructor Electronics Technician CORE, BPS-15H Technical Assistant, BPS-16V4 Technical Assistant, Plant Account Custodian, Staff Section Leader, Building Duty Chief Petty Officer

Recognized as the Submarine RADAR expert. Assisted with the development of interactive courseware designed to support the Virginia class radar system.

As Watch Bill Coordinator implemented a system of tracking hundreds of Students through qualifications, leave, and security clearances.

QUARTERMASTER - 1996 to 1999

USS LOUISIANA SSBN 743 BLUE, Groton, CT / Kings Bay, GA

Part of the initial manning of the PCU LOUISIANA. Acquired the initial load out of Navigational charts and publications. Expertly Navigated the Ship through INSERV, ALPHA, BRAVO, CHARLIE trials, DASO operations as well as launching a TRIDENT missile for certification

QUARTERMASTER - 1995 to 1996

USS MIAMI SSN 755, Groton, CT

LPO / QUARTERMASTER - 1993 to 1995


As one of only 2 Quartermasters onboard led the division in many exercises in the Puerto Rican OPAREAS, Virginia OPAREAS, Gulf of Mexico, as well as the work-ups for a six month deployment in 2 separate theatres of operations. Piloted the ship for an interfleet transfer to the west coast for DECOM.

STAFF FIRST LT - 1990 to 1993


Supervisor of the Carpenter shop. Supervised the production and fabrication of plaques and retirement boxes. Trained and Supervised the Honor and Color guard as well as the Funeral detail

QUARTERMASTER - 1986 to 1990

USS G.W. CARVER SSBN 656 GOLD, Groton, CT / Holy Loch Scotland



Trident Navigation Operator, Kings Bay, GA

Submarine navigation equipment, theory, and procedures employed in both restricted and open-ocean conditions, including inertial, sonar, and global positioning applications.


Pre-Electronics Technician Training, Groton, CT

Solving AC and DC electronic circuitry involving resistance, voltage, current, capacitance, and inductance. Applied basic skills in solid-state electronics, power supplies, servo-control circuits, and basic electronic communications circuits.

NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) AN/WRN-6 (V) Combined Maintenance, Groton, CT

Described global positioning theory, operate a specific GPS receiver, and perform operator maintenance on the receiver.

Radar AN/BPS-15 / AN/BPS15H Voyage Management System Combined Maintenance, Groton, CT

Provided instruction on the operation and maintenance of an installed submarine radar system.

Electrically Suspended Gyro Navigation Maintenance, Groton, CT

Repaired and maintained the electrically suspended gyro navigator (ESGN) and ring laser gyro navigator (RLGN)

Senior Navigation, Groton, CT

Skilled in movement procedures, operational schedules, patrol orders, and rules of the road.

Interior Communications Maintenance, Groton, CT

Performed preventive maintenance, and corrective maintenance on the indicator drive unit, the servo-transistors, amplifiers, and a gyro compass sets.


Group Paced Instructor, Groton, CT

Delivered lectures employing effective questioning, chalkboard, and communications techniques; delivered instruction employing demonstrative strategies; operating an overhead projector and video cassette system; knowledgeable of instructor guides, workbooks, computerized reporting systems, evaluation, and participant materials; and developing learning outcomes for a topic

Second Class Petty Officer Leadership, Groton, CT

Identified basic principles of leadership including the use oral and written communications in professional relationships; the role of motivation, empowerment, and counseling in development of subordinates; and ways to manage human resources, teams, and stress to create a quality organizational climate.


First Class Petty Officer Leadership, Groton, CT

Identified basic principles of leadership including the use oral and written communication in professional relationships; the role of motivation, empowerment, and counseling in subordinate development; ways to manage human resources, teams, and stress to create a quality organizational climate.

40-Hour Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), Sperry Marine, Charlottesville, VA


Prospective Submarine Assistant Navigator, Groton, CT

Supervised navigation teams in piloting and submerged operations in restricted and open water navigation; conducted nautical computations and advised the Navigator; prepare and maintain navigational logs and records; and utilize electronic and celestial navigation techniques



Electronics Technician (Submarine) / Navigation Equipment Maintenance Technician / Navigation Equipment Operator: Performs electrical/electronic maintenance on equipment installed in submarines, Including, navigational equipment, possesses a general working knowledge of electricity and electronics. Reads and interprets schematics and block diagrams; uses test equipment and hand tools; repairs electrical/electronic cables and connectors; localizes malfunctions and repairs or replaces faulty parts or subassemblies; operates, aligns, adjusts, calibrates, and performs preventive maintenance on equipment; inventories tools and portable test equipment; completes maintenance data forms. Maintains radar transmitting equipment, radar receiving equipment, radar identification equipment, and localizes malfunctions to systems, subsystems, circuits, and parts; inventories installed equipment; completes maintenance reports; prepares weekly preventive maintenance schedules. Diagnoses, isolates, align, adjust, and calibrate electronic subsystems; monitors maintenance quality control; maintains inventory of parts; reviews completed maintenance data forms; trains subordinates in the operation of tests on systems and subsystems.

SSN/SSBN Assistant Navigator: acts as assistant to the Navigator for the safe navigation of the ship. Ashore, is assigned to submarine staffs to coordinate submarine routing and operations, prevent mutual interference, and ensure safety of submerged operations.

Group Paced Instructor: Knows lesson planning, instructional strategies, selection of visual aids, and teaching skills; designs lessons from a body of content; develops behavioral objectives; prepares test items; evaluates instructional materials and the results of instruction; presents material clearly and possesses platform (teaching) skills


Pawcatuck, CT,
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