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Anti Piracy Resume


Seeking a position as a Anti Piracy Team Member


1995-1999, 2001-2002

U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant E-5

Assigned to a Personal Security Detail (PSD) for a Two Star Admiral during Operation Desert Strike in the Arabian Gulf (1996). Member of a Security Team for a Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier for two years, where we conducted Visit Board Search and Seizure (V.B.S.S) missions throughout the world. Supervised the guard force, coordinated duty rosters, and conducted security drills. Received personal recognition for outstanding performance from Task Force Commander (U.S. Navy Admiral), and received personal recognition from Unit Commander for Superior Performance while serving as the Solo Artist and as a member of a Silent Drill Team.

2004- 2005

Triple Canopy – Team Leader

Deployed to Baghdad Iraq, led 3 man security team to set up security for the Multi-National Coalition – Iraq (MNC-I) Intelligence SCIF (Secure Compartmentalized Information Facility). Led 5 man Quick Reaction Force (QRF) team focused on Close Quarters Battle within the Al-Faw Palace. Worked to develop SOP for compliance with the Scope of Work, utilizing the experience of team members, and guidance from Field and Flag grade officers to implement the plan. Supported 14 man team by arranging housing, transportation and logistics.


Blackwater USA

Deployed to Baghdad Iraq, and served as a member on the Counter Assault Team (C.A.T), trained in Personal Security Details (PSD), which specializes in Diplomatic Security of Foreign and Domestic personnel throughout the Baghdad area. Provided personal protection for Former U.S Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, worked hand and hand with the United States Secret Service’s Counter Assault Team providing close personal protection for Former U.S Vice President Dick Cheney during a visit to Baghdad.

2008- 11/09

Blackwater USA

I was assigned to the Quick Reaction Force (Q.R.F) as a Shift Leader, and Tactical Commander for the Kabul, Afghanistan area. I also served on the Ambassador’s protection detail who is currently serving as the Deputy Chief of Mission, (Mr. Chris Dell). This includes the position on the US Embassy’s Protective Detail as an Advance Team driver. Responsibilities also included: performing site survey’s and security analysis; exterior and perimeter survey; evaluation of local security forces; and logging interior of venues to be visited by principals with a detailed room assessment of the entire site. Training also included K-9, EOD and counter sniper survey and route planning. The Embassy Protection Detail is also responsible for all Congressional Delegation protective details which includes all US Diplomats from the United States that are attached to the US Embassy. We provide personal protection to these personnel throughout the entire Kabul, Afghanistan area to include, Former First Lady, Laura Bush and Former Vice President Dick Cheney, the Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, and Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates.



Completed Marine Corps Basic Security School

*Physical security


*Basic room clearing

Completed Close Quarters Battle (CQB) School / Maritime Tactics Course (MTC)

*Advanced Room Clearing

*Dynamic Entries

*Combat Shotgun and Pistol

*Visit Board Search and Seizure (V.B.S.S)

Completed Non-Lethal Weapons Course

*Riot Control

*Compliant and Non-Compliant Escorts


*OC-10 Pepper Spray Qualification

*Baton Training

Additional Qualifications and Certifications

Qualified Expert with the M-16 Service Rifle (2 Awards)

Qualified Expert with the M-9MM Service Pistol (2 Awards)

Qualified Expert with the AK-47

Qualified Expert with the CZ 75, 9mm Pistol

Qualified Expert with the M-4

Qualified Expert with the GLOCK 19, 9mm Pistol

Certified Open Water Diver (P.A.D.I.)

Currently Hold Secret Clearance

Currently Hold a Concealed Weapons



Darlington, SC,
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