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I would like to work in the commercial or administrative department of a company or port authority who would give me a chance to prove myself. I am a a hard worker and result driven with vast knowledge of global affairs history and economics


Ive worked in two internships, one doing a commercial plan for exporting construction machinery to Dominican Republic and Trinidad Tobago. I was in charge of the Trinidad Tobago section which needed parts and equipment to assist in the building and renovation of Trinidad Tobago's Oil refineries.

The second internship was a research project for the Dutch parts and equipment for shipbuilding industry. as part of a study conducted by Holland Marine Equipment with the aim of understanding current ship owning trends

I worked 2 year at an insurance company in the finance and marketing departments, one of my main jobs was to finance containers for diverse shipping companies. I also financed regular liabilities and medical insurance


BA Arts Major in History, Minor in Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst USA 2001-2004

Masters in International Business Interamerican University, San Juan, Puerto Rico 2004-2008

Masters in Science, Maritime Economics and Logistics, Erasmus University , Rotterdam NL 2009-2010


BIMCO Chartering Courses 2010



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