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Able Seaman


I would like to work on the deck as an able seaman, though i am also capable of working as an oiler in the engine room.


I have been working with a maritime company (Tefon oilfield services) for over a year but without signing any official contract.this was between 2008 and 2009. I worked on the deck rendering different services such as, chipping, painting, keeping guard, whipping spilled oil in the engine room. I worked as an Ordinary seaman (OS) in close collaboration with Able seamen and with many bosuns.

I achieved lots of experiences from those i was working with. i do well in rope work especially when a vessel is about to take off or when it is about anchoring.

Before going into a maritime school, i had a first degree in geography and masters 1 from the Univesity of Yaounde Cameroon. Also I did computer studies and worked in many places in Yaounde as a softwares teacher and as a monitor in two computer cyber cafes.


I finished my primary education in 1994. in 1999 and 2001 i had my GCE ordinary and Advance level certificates respectively.In 2002, i enrolled in a bilingual computer school where i did computer softwares. In sept 2002 i got into the university of Yaounde 1 Cameroon in the department of geography and by 2005, i had my bachelor degree and in 2007 i finished with master 1. then by January 2008 i went to The Regional Maritime University Accra Ghana where i did maritime studies.


Masters 1

Bachelor degree in Geography

GCE Advance Level

GCE ordinary Level

First School Living Certificate

Fire Fighting And Fire preventin

Personal Survival technics

Personal safety and social responsibilities

Medical first Aid

Oil Tanker Familiarization

International Ship and Port Facility Security

Certificate ion Computer software


Teacher in Computer softwares

Cyber management

Worked as an OS,AB and oiler

Able to adapt in difficult conditions, good personal skills and good in intergrating any team

Speaks reads and writes well both English and French languages in addition to my dialect.


I Also did basic, intermediate, advanced and leadership trainings with Campus Crusade for Christ Cameroon.Did nursing aid with the Victory Christian Medical Foundation (VICMEF) Cameroon where i obtained an attestation in Nursing Aid.

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