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Able Seaman


• To utilize my experience in finding a better position & thus further my skill as I have to go for OOW course in 2009


• Knowledge and ability to effectively use all forms of lifesaving and fire fighting equipment • Knowledge of handling vessel rescue boats under power as well as deployment of evacuation equipment • Knowledge of all safety equipment • Knowledge of the maintenance of vessels and their safety equipment • Watch standing; including helm, lookout, and watchmen duties • Safety consciousness: looks out for safety of self and others • Personal bearing and behavior: works within chain of command as a team member and adheres to standards of appearance and attitude • Productivity: timely and effective use of knowledge and initiative while being responsible for one’s actions and flexible on work assignments and schedules •


• Matriculation From BSEB Patna In first division

• ISC from BIEC Patna In first division


Watch Keeping DR/MMD/MUM/10642 Mumbai 17/02/2006

EFA EFA/04/215/3258 Chennai 08/06/2004

PSSR PSSR/04/210/2993 Chennai 12/06/2004

FPFF FPFF/04/197/3453 Chennai 05/06/2004

PST PST/04/256/3684 Chennai 02/06/2004

OTF OTFC/4428 Mumbai 16/06/2006

OTFC Endo. M/O/1/D/06/39784 Mumbai 21/06/2006

INDOS 06YL0049 Mumbai 19/02/2006

Yellow Fever 11367 Mumbai 29/06/2006


Use of safety equipment such as fire hoses, axes, extinguishers, SCBAs, rescue boats/rafts/IBAs/evacuation chutes, and VHF radios • Splicing and handling mooring lines and small items to facilitate getting underway and securing the vessel • Operating cranes, ramps, and gangways, either manually or by power, as needed to facilitate getting underway or securing the vessel • Parking and unloading the vehicles, securing the chains, nets and vehicle wheels • Monitoring of passenger access/egress areas for AV/PA function, vessel integrity and cleanliness, and passenger safety and information needs • Maintaining a proper lookout, conducting watchman tour, and steering the vessel


Computer Skill Windows Operating System, MS Office, Data Entry, Word Processors

Jamshedpur, Jharkhand,
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