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AB Unlimited


Looking for a carrer not just a job


15 years with the SIU and working for MAERSK Line Lt before that I spent 6 years in the Oil field in the Gulf of Mexico 5 years in the US Navy 1 year in a Intel gathering ship in Central Am, 6 months on a Mine sweeper in the Pursian Gulf and 3 years FF Elmer Montgomery FF 1082 Pursian Gulf and Mayport FL.


While working for MAERSK Line LT I was trained repeatly in Firefighting, smallarms, Advanced Firefighting, Helo Firefighting,Helo signalman Landing and taking off from Helo Pad.


Fire Fighting Advanced, Smallarms,Helo Signalman,Damage Control,First Aid,Ship Board Security (SST)


Ship Steering, Crane OP, forklift, Smallarms,SST, chiping painting Lifeboatman, Coastal Navigation I was an Operations Spec in the Navy CIC watch sup on a FF,MSO and LPO on MSO in the Pursian Gulf


I work Hard! I'v lived in PI, Thialand, Guam, Saipan,

Houston TX, TX,
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