I'm intersted in making the oil feild my caree. I'm what to have a job i can invest my time and energy in. I'm always trying to better myself and the company i work for so that i can better provide for my family.
I have five years experience in refineries.
Matrix 05 to 10 B class bm. maintance in refineries.
Starcon 06 to 10 B class bm maintance in refineries.
Turner 07 to 10 moved up to A class bm. maintance in refineries.
P2S. o7 to 10 A class bm maintance in refineries.
I have my GED i got it in 2005. i made it to the eleventh grade in high school.
I have a class D drivers lisence
A class bm. i can weld, plumb, ironwork, and maintance in refineries