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3rd Officer


Teaching has been my passion since i was at school. With this I was playing with the idea to become an instructor. I love to teach and impart the things which i have learned with other people in the best way that i can because I firmly believe that knowledge should not be kept on a box but must be shared. I like to develop new teaching approach once I have learned what makes the students more interested in what you teach. Its not just talking and reading what you have in the module but saying something straight from with in you, establishing a contact to your audience that even without reading a book he can fully understand what you are talking about. Id love to do research works also relating to marine environments or environmental researches. I can do anything after all, give me instructions, show me how and ill do it my self.


I was a Deck cadet under training on board a tanker vessel last June 2006-2007. The experience which i had back then was very challenging. Since i am a neophyte with the profession i have struggled to adjust with the work given to me, the people i work with and the stress contributing factors such as being away from home. I was eager to study the things which i don't know or which was not being taught at school. I also grabbed the opportunity to practically apply and confirm the knowledge based and theories which was imparted to us at college. Things were never that easy on board. Days seems to pass by as weeks and you will think that time extends as you would wish to go home and finish the contract which you have signed. Fatigue must also be endure as you have only lack of sleep because of close distances between ports here in Europe where u have even have to wake up although work has ended already. Its an abnormal life actually where you get to sleep when everyone in the world is awake. Those were the struggles i have to endure and undergo, nevertheless i have to love this job because i have decided to be involved with it. the thought of being involved in the scenario of globalization where a country is dependent on the other. We as seafarers bridges this gap. we deliver goods that they need and the product they have produced for the progress of their economy. This realization kept me going for 12 months until i finish my contract. I returned back at school to finish my remaining year of college education. After which I took the licensure exam. After nights of burning my midnight candles, all my sacrifices and efforts paid off and acquired my license. After completing the necessary trainings, I was employed a Jr. 3rd Officer. At first i was a little bit nervouse because from cadetship I automatically assume a position onboard although as a trainee. Pressure was there, I have to live or somehow exceed what my captain's expectation. I have to learn all the procedure at once. After 1 month of training I was assigned to assume my watch as a duty officer for the 8-12/20-24 watch. i was really nervous to assume the responsibility but i just convinced myself that this has to be done, i have to take this step inorder for me to take the next one. The responsibility that you have to keep your fellow crew safe during your navigation watch, avoid collision, and protect the environment from pollution gave me butterflies on my stomach. As days pass by i was able to gain the confidence that i need. Being confident that if others can do it, why cant I. As the saying ' you reap what you sow', after 3 months my captain gave me a recommendation/promotion to assume the 3rd officer position. I was morethan happy enough to note that people see my efforts in doing my job well, and the trust that they show is morethan enough as proof that i can do things which at first I thought I cant. As a safety officer then i was tasked to maintain all the safety and fire fighting equipment onboard. A maintenance schedule must be followed to ensure that the equipment is in good condition and ready for use in times of emergency. I have learned to manage my time well, that at times you have to do things even after your duty hours because that's 'work' after all. While doing my job i learned to value life as it should be. I developed concern to my colleagues espescially on things that might affect their safety at work. During operations on the other hand, i learned to value the virtue of discipline in following the plans made by the Chief Officer. Adhering to the company's standard operating procedure and also increasing my concern to the environment from preventing pollution at sea during cargo operation. I had encountered several storms, passed through ice, anchored for months and even survived having 2hrs of sleep in a day. BUt nevertheless all is worth while. This may not be the job which I Have dreamed of but this has taught me enough to survive whatever life may bring ahead of me. This is my 3rd contract as a 3rd officer and has already 3 recommendations for the next position.


I am a consistent honor student all through out my school years. I finished my elementary education at Wester Visayas College of Science and Technolog - Laboraotry School (2000)as 2nd honors. The school taught me more on technical and industrial skills. i completed my secondary education at Pavia National High School Special Science Class (2000-2004) as class Salutatorian. The school specializes more on science, english and math. It has molded me as an active student in different co curricular activities. I have won several quiz bee contests, journalism contest and literary contests that time. However I consider winning in a research competition at a national level as my greatest achievement. My group research entitled ' Antibiotic Resistance Patterns of Escherichia coli Isolated form pig, human and water' won 2nd place in the competition against 20 other schools from other regions. I then took up BS in MArine Transportation at John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University (2004-2008) as Magna Cum Laude and the year's Most Outstanding Graduate. My effort and hardships were not wasted as i tried to finish my education years with an additional laurel on my cap. I tried as much as possible to enjoy and somehow makes my final years in school worthwhile and productive. I joined different contests (quizbees, literary), search, environmental seminars, leadership trainings and community outreach programs. With loads of assignments, projects and research papers to submit I was able to juggle things on its place. My interest for learning and knowledge helped me erase the gap from studying and enjoying life. And all of this things was done with a reason I promised myself along the way. A promise which every child would give to his parents...which is to make them proud. And for them to be proud more i was chosen as one of the finalists for the Ten Outstanding Students Of the Philippines of our region which advocates nation building, youth empowerment and community development.













competent english profficiency skills

computer literate



team builder



im deciding that after this contract of mine ill settle for a land based job because i believe that I can be at my best if my feet is on land..

Pavia, Iloilo,
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