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3º Engineer Officer


Capacity: Engineer Officer Nº 02542; Issued: Caracas - Venezuela; Expire date: December 31th 2012; Limitations: none.

Functions: Marine engineering; Maintenance and repair; Electrical, electronic and control engineering: Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board. Level: Operational. Limitations: None.



Orinoco de Navegación, S.A. Puerto Ordaz – Venezuela.

• Dates: August 04th 1992 – November 04th 1992.

• Occupation or position held: 03rd Engineers Officer.

• Vessel: M/V Rio Orinoco, flag Venezuelan, type: Bulk Carrier.

Transporte Industrial, S.A. Pertigale – Venezuela.

• Dates: December 16th 1991 – April 08th 1992.

• Occupation or position held: 03rd Engineers Officer.

• Vessel: M/V Vencemos III, flag Venezuelan, type: Bulk Carrier.

C. A. V. N. Caracas – Venezuela.

• Dates: July 1990 – May 1991.

• Occupation or position held: Training Cadet.

• Vessel: M/V Aragua, flag: Venezuelan, type: General Cargo


Temotores, S.L. Tenerife – Spain.

• Dates: February 01th 2010 – May 31th 2010

• Occupation: Mechanical Officer

• Main activities and responsibilities: Diagnostic, maintenance and reparations of vehicles general.

Self-employed. Tenerife – Spain.

• Dates: January 15th 2009 – January 31th 2010

• Occupation: Mechanical Officer.

• Main activities and responsibilities: Diagnostic, maintenance and reparations in ships of engines outboards and inboards.

Herzog Inversiones, S.L. Tenerife – Spain.

• Dates: June 01th 2007 – January 07th 2009.

• Occupation: Mechanical Officer.

• Main activities and responsibilities: Diagnostic, maintenance and reparations in ships of engines outboards and inboards, wave runner and Jet Ski.


Nautical Scholl of Venezuela. Catia La Mar – Venezuela.

• Dates: September 1st 1987 – August 04th 1991.

• Title of qualification awarded: 3rd Engineers Officer. Lawyer in Nautical Sciences

National Institute of Educative Cooperation. Catia La Mar – Venezuela.

• Dates: October 1st 1988 – July 31th 1989.

• Durations: 660 hours

• Title of qualification awarded: Electrician of maintenance


• Familiarisation and Basic Safety Training (STCW Code: A-VI/1-1; A-VI/1-2; A-VI/1-3; A-VI/1-4) Nº: 69920; Issue: Sta. Cruz Tenerife - Spain; Issued date: December 21th 2009. Limitations: None.

• Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats. Nº: 33945; Issue: Sta. Cruz Tenerife - Spain; Issued date: December 21th 2009. Limitations: None.

• Fast Rescue Boats. Nº: 2677; Issue: Sta. Cruz Tenerife - Spain; Issued date: December 21st 2009. Limitations: None.

• Advanced Fire Fighting. Nº: 32341; Issue: Sta. Cruz Tenerife - Spain; Issued date: March 09th 2010. Limitations: None.

• Passenger Ships Familiarisation. Nº: 2918; Issue: Sta. Cruz Tenerife - Spain; Issued date: March 09th 2010; expire date: March 09th 2015. Limitations: None.

• Passenger Safety (RORO). Nº: 11913; Issue: Sta. Cruz Tenerife - Spain; Issued date: March 09th 2010; expire date: March 09th 2015. Limitations: None.


Handling of machines and tools generally, electrical and autogenous weld equipment of measurement and diagnosis. Handling of freight elevator and fork-lift trucks. Handling at mean level of computers; Windows XP, Microsoft Office, Marinate Photoshop CS3, Internet.

Accomplishment, repair of electrical circuits, as well as the electrical map readings.


Venezuelan Seaman's Book: T-14408-AGSI; Issued country: La Guaira – Venezuela; Expire date: December 31th 2012

Panama Seaman's Book: in procedure

Tegueste, Tenerife,
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