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100 ton Master with 28 seasons fishing Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea


I am trying to break away from the riggers of commercial fishing and yet stay working on the water.


I started fishing in 1977 on the waters of Puget Sound out of Seattle. I have been involved in the salmon seine fishery for 20 plus years as well as capt. for 28 years in the fishery of Bristol Bay for both salmon and herring. I also ran a boat for 8 seasons out of Dutch Hbr. fishing for halibut.

If you are interested in me enough to contact former skippers of mine I will giove you those names and numbers of any that are still alive and or available if you ask.

I lived in Sitka Alaska for 20 years before moving back east to Penna. for family reasons. I still captain a boat in Bristol bay but have sold out of every other fishery that I was involved with.


Graduated Highschool in Penna. 1974 did some classes at Penn State and then in Shoreline Comunity College in Wash. State.

Got my 100 ton License 1992 and keep it up to date.


I only have my 100 ton card as of now. In the fishing industry that I was part of I had no need for any other certifications.


My experience is mostly with the fishing industry and my maritime skills are directly realted to that industry. I have some mechcnical skills and am familiar with some hydraulic systems as well and of course am good at the wheel.

I have net skills and am famiiar with most deck work on f/v's from longling to gillnet to crab. In my world on the beach I was a butcher and a boxer and a whitewater river guide. I also ran a business in reatil for seafood and grew up in the grocery business with my family owning 2 markets.

I may not have the skills you may have been looking for but I have skills that will make me adaptable to many different jobs.


I am a property owner and have rentals and help take care of my wife's veterinary hospital. I will admit that I am more of the sort to not be in the social type life and am not looking for any work related to cruise boats or party boats.

I am looking for honest work with honest pay. I want no freebies and look for no-one to give me anything without earning it.

Thanks for your time and I hope to hear from you. bye4now...

George R. Veneroso

White Haven, PA,
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