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100 ton Master


Ideally I would like to work as a relief skipper on the West Coast. I go commercial fishing in Alaska for a couple of months a year and I probably would not be able to commit to full time work, unless it was in Puget Sound.


I have been working in the commercial fishing industry in Alaska since 1971. I started running my own boat in 1975. I have operated and maintained boats from 30-70 feet, since then. My last boat, I had from 1988-2000 was 65 feet, we participated in the halibut, albacore,sablefish and crab fisheries. From Oregon to Kodiak. I also bought fish, salmon, herring and crab, for different companies in those years. I ran a passenger boat for Allen Marine out of Sitka Alaska for one summer, doing lightering work and tours, up to 350 passengers. I have been involved with the Historic Tug Sand Man for the last 4 years as skipper in Puget Sound and doing restoration work on this vessel. Working with a lot of inexperienced people, which takes a lot of patience. I also own a small boat repair shop, Swifty's Marine in Olympia.


Graduated from Mark Keppel High School in 1971. Working on the water and with boats since then.


100 ton Master near coastal

500 ton uninspected Fishin Industry Vessels Near coastal


Fire Fighting

Outboard Electrical


Beside the operation and maitenance of vessels. I have learned that one of the most important parts of being on a boat is getting along with your fellow mariner. So I'm a patient guy, yet forceful when I need to be. I have also been the cook for a crew of 6. I understand the workings of boats and machinery, and have done much repair work myself.


Don't drink, Don't do drugs. I do smoke a cigar occaisionally!

Olympia, WA,
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